I believe that those white people listening to people like Alan Greenspan and take from his knowledge of becoming a well-taught, well-educated man and listen to Alan talk about the economy. The way he did it he explained things to us people that had no idea of who this man really was or what Alan was about. To make a long story very short, Alan Greenspan came before congress to identify and speak about the way the economy was rolling. He developed a way of talking to congress and whoever else was listening it was so complicated just to listen to Alan talk. He understood that and then began to play little jokes to people that would allow him to laugh after talking to members of congress. So he thought one day that he would inject something into the American language that became something that a lot of wealthy people caught hold of and to Alan it was a joke and within that quiet subtle way of manipulating people of congress he threw out a word to them which that they quickly acknowledged. And mind you that some of these people that Alan is speaking to are some of the smartest people in the world. Well educated Harvard, Yale, brown listen to Alan speak and this is what he said to them. He said “you know members of congress I want you to understand one thing. The bubble, as the bubble moved up and down, we see that we are beginning to pull ourselves up because the bubble is rising. To Alan this fantasy of a bubble which is the weakest thing you can think of to put into a sentence to allow a person to believe that a soap bubble was big enough to pick up anything. To Alan this was a joke but whatever, he went on to talk about the economy as it was strong knowing all the time Bernie was robbing the world. Alan knew the very wealthy was doing fine. But the poor white children in Mississippi were just as bad as the poor black children in Mississippi looking on a daily basis for some comfort that they could latch onto to make their lives a little bit easier. but make no mistake, white people that are very very wealthy do not know those poor white children that are very very poor. They are not a part of them. Although those poor white children belong to their clan, you understand, belong to their tribe, they still don’t see them as a real factor in their tribe. So therefore they go by them every day going to work and not see them at all but do see them in New York City and Chicago and Ohio major cities that they control. Alan Greenspan for years told the world that the united states was strong as a bubble and even today when you hear the economists talk about things you hear them use Alan’s interpretation of strength which is a bubble. The bubble burst or the bubble is growing, not thinking about all the little white children that live in this country that are so wealthy for a few the poor white child and the poor black child as a 5 year old looks up and says why mama? That is a much stronger reasoning to worry when a child looks up to his mother and says “why mama?” well let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, my feeling about the white male that control the republican party look on the world that is a bubble that they can use to manipulate the white man’s way in the world. Well the bubble, Alan Greenspan, has burst. The joke that he put forth into the mouths of very wealthy men, educated men has burst. Alan is gone home probably reading a book or writing a book. Well those poor white children haven’t gained anything if you really look at it they are losing sight. These white children are going to college with an 11th grade level of education but they are going to college. How? How? How is this? The education level in the United States of America is very poor. We have a man that came into office unexpected of all the things that men like Greenspan and Madoff had done to the country. But these very very wealthy men, it was a joke. They enjoyed going to work telling the world that the bubble is growing the world; the United States of America is as strong as it’s ever been. Well let me tell you it was a lie and we have found out. As soon as Mr. Obama the president of the United States came into office we began to discover that Greenspan was lying to the world. And he used a joke to please the media and the rest of the white population that was paying attention to Mr. Greenspan and the joke was to him. Well this morning I will tell them about my bubble. I don’t know many things or many ways that the Republican Party has manipulated this country and have been able to do this for years. We used to be the strongest producer in the world we had great steel mills here. We made our own steel. We made things that made families feel a little better about themselves because they could buy a washing machine for the family. He would come home with his paycheck and say “honey we can go to dinner tonight.” These are middle class people and the lower chain of people down had a few dollars which they could buy a few more white potatoes or sweet potatoes which made their life a little bit better. But you take a man that is very very wealthy, and he would say to his wife “honey get your hat on, we’re going to the races this morning.” He would call his wife and say have you packed things? We are going to Kentucky to the Kentucky derby and have a little fun today. When other children in this United States of America were asking why mama? Why don’t I have these things? Or why can’t you buy me this bike? I’m 12 years old mama why can’t I have a bike? And she had no answer for him. What she realized that she just didn’t have the money. She didn’t realize she was poor she never had a thing in her life so she really didn’t understand that she was really really poor white woman that couldn’t give her children the necessary things to make their lives a little bit lighter, a little bit easier. So ladies and gentleman this is how it began, white man said well it’s 1940 now and before that and after 40 we had a war that lasted for 5 years that put money into black families’ hands because the war forced the white male to hire black people on a higher level which gave them a few more dollars you understand a few more dollars in their family because they worked building ships and helping to build airplanes that was needed to fight the war, the second world war. So when the black male and black female were able to buy a Ford it was a giant move, a giant move in the minds of blacks and poor white people because now I can buy me a pickup truck. I work in a steel mill, my father worked in the steel mills. Let me tell you something. The very very wealthy began to play games with people’s lives. It was like a chess game. They found amusement out of the idea of manipulating the way people should live and what they should eat or what they shouldn’t eat. While all at the same time, they were going to the best of restaurants with their families but not sharing, not sharing a thing with members of their own tribe. Not sharing anything with members of their own tribe. You understand this? The republican party began to use weapons as they do today like what they call the Tea party now while the weapon that was so financially successful for the upper middle class and white men was to say black women on welfare use their monies that the government gave them and the food stamps that the government gave them to feed their babies they gave it to their lover to take their food stamps and go buy their lover a Cadillac. Can you believe that they actually did this?
The Republican Party did this. They said this black woman has four neighbors in the house and she took her food stamps and bought her lover a Cadillac with the food stamps. Ladies and gentlemen how low can you get? How low can one get to interject that kind of thinking into the American mind of another white? They were his clansmen, they were his colleagues, when he needed them and he used this method to stay in congress. Because when he wanted to be voted back into office he used every tactic that he could think of as they do today to manipulate his tribesmen to do and act the way that he wanted them to do. Do you know that this same method is being used today? They have tea parties to go in to listen to people talk to their constituency and they begin to shout down the speaker of a different party. It really bothers me to understand something, they didn’t want to give people adequate healthcare because they said it cost too much. The Republican Party today, 2010 is still saying it costs too much to do this, to give adequate healthcare to white children. We don’t need to give these white children decent health care and spend all that money on them. But yet ladies and gentlemen, they had plenty healthcare for their family. They were able to take them shopping in the best of stores and ate the best of beef, prime beef that was on the market drove the best cars that money could buy and along the line in the streets stood and waited and looked at the white congressman that just walked into office say that these poor white children do not need adequate healthcare. And then they tell another group of white people to go out and use and manipulate them to say we are the body of the tea party which is a symbol of something that took place in the united states in the 1600’s, the Boston tea party separating from the mighty giant of the British empire. The United States stood against the empire of the Brits. This is our country, the United States of America, from that day on they began to manipulate people to get them to do what they wanted to do and they set races against each other for hundreds of years. They divided the country. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party divided the country. They made white people hate black people when they both were as poor as dirt. But they made white people feel comfortable to tell them that they are a level or two above those poor black people. Do you realize today that those same poor white people believe that their level is higher than the next poor black person that lives 4 blocks over? Knowing that they have no milk in the refrigerator or a full box of cereal to feed them little white babies they got. When they don’t have enough sugar to put on the cereal so they can feed their babies but they send them to the black lady’s house that they know is blocks down the street to ask Martha does she have a cup of sugar until they can get to the store and they will reimburse the black lady for a cup of sugar. Now this is a white family sending her daughter or son to a black family’s house to get a cup of sugar. The white lady now gets that sugar and forgets about sending that cup of sugar back to that poor black family’s house that she borrowed the sugar from 3 days ago. But they are on the same level. They are poor as dirt both of them, one white and one black, you understand. So the Republican Party found a way to tell these people that you are above these poor black people because they are on welfare and that welfare word began to spread like a disease that white people used for years. Now mind you he didn’t’ tell you that his grandmother was on welfare. You didn’t know that he is a congressman but his grandmother is on welfare also. But he made the world think that all black people were begging for food stamps and on welfare without letting you know that his grandmother also was receiving food stamps and begging for means or a way to better her life in her late years to have medical care. And this vicious body of republicans exists today. Look at Georgia, look at the state of Georgia, do you realize the state of Georgia for some time now was a slave state. So black people at one time on the street or Peachtree Street in the lower part of the city of Atlanta Georgia. Today the blacks in the city of Atlanta Georgia have made the city of Atlanta one of the most sought on cities in the United States of America. It is the greatest hub largest airline home based in Atlanta Georgia, delta airlines. The black mayors that run the city have made or found a way to make that one of the sought of cities to live in for blacks and whites to come together to make life easier and better without the mind and the filth of the republican party in injecting the poison venom that they would spit out of their mouths. But do you realize there were bodies of white people, regardless of what the republican done or said year after year elected republicans as their spokesperson in congress. These men have done nothing for the state of Georgia. They enjoy the good life, the golfing, and the boating, buying cars because the cars because the cars that they bought were very expensive but they were toys for a lot of the wealthy white men in Georgia. But you had mills, large mills, in Georgia that made things from cotton, bedspreads, clothing, there were white people that went to work in these large cotton mills in Georgia that made their life a little bit better than average. In 1945 and 1946 they allowed black people to come into the building and go to work but what they did they manipulated the pay scale. For the black man doing the same work the white man was doing the white man got paid 2 dollars more than the black man did sometimes 3 in some incidents. And this has been going on in the United States of America as long as it’s been here almost. From slavery to the mayor of the greatest city one of the greatest cities in the united states of America controlled on the level of mayors of the United States. Not the government but the mayors of the United States. The city of Atlanta has grown. These mayors that have come through the city of Atlanta have done something that no part of Ohio has been able to do. Mind you now the news media as you can see talks very little about how the city of Atlanta has grown. George Bush and Republican Party say we are going to the heartland ladies and gentleman, Ohio, poor white people. We will convince the heartland that the Republican Party is the best party for them. And if you want to stay in control and keep your job, you need to vote for us and the Republican Party because we going to make sure you keep your job. But George Bush came on the stage and said outsourcing is the best thing in the world, when he was running for president of the United States. He said sure outsourcing is the greatest thing for the United States of America. We found out that George Bush sold out the United States by outsourcing and allowing rich, big companies to move their plants to a different location because labor was cheaper in china and Mexico and poor Latin countries. It was cheaper than keeping them factories open in the united states the republican party discovered but none of them really explained that to the people of the united states but the people in the united states allowed this to happen when the republican party came about they set in to dismantle the stability that was built up in the united states of America. You hear me? They began to dismantle, break up the foundation that was created through slavery and free work. Can you imagine that? But yet they send people to tell other white people we don’t need this black man to be the president of this country that we love so well. So now there are a lot of people in congress that have been there for years are becoming ashamed of themselves, of republicans and democrats, and they are quitting their jobs. Well I’ve been in Washington for 20 years. They have been lying for 20 years too. We have a problem now; we have a problem that this president is beginning to let the world know how the Republican Party manipulated ad stole from this country that they claim that they love so well. So much they have taken away. Poor white children are still poor white children limited education. You see them in the news media everyday how well white kids are doing, they are having a good time, they are getting drunk at the colleges, and they just raising all kind of hell and they never go to jail for nothing. As long as they don’t kill anybody, we are going to give them probation. Well ladies and gentleman I believe in the rule of law as most people believe in the rule of law but for the very wealthy and the upper middle class white families didn’t care about the thought of rule of law. We are white we belong to the white tribe. We don’t have to worry about the rule of law we can do what we want to do because I know I’m not going to prison. Send them black folks to prison. And they did. And they have been doing that for years for little or nothing. But let me tell you, the worst thing that the Republican Party has done is to lie to us all and still they are lying to the masses of the world. But now it is beginning to catch up. They have opposition in the world now. The Chinese make cars, the Koreans make cars, the Japanese make cars, and the lie is beginning to diminish what they took for granted. The lies are beginning to come home to roost. Now they are beginning to say why is this happening to us? We are white people. How is the Japanese out doing we in manufacturing? How is it that we are now on our knees going to the Chinese to ask for funds for dollars to keep our country going because the republican party has manipulated the whole united states of America for so long and stole so much from their own country but yet they believe in sending a tea party to holler and scream and do some of the most obscene things as bringing guns to a rally of democrats if the democratic party had a rally and wanted to speak to their constituents the republicans would come there with loaded pistols and shout down the speaker of the democratic party whomever woman or male. And they are doing this today all these white people go to these tea parties and shout down the democrats because they want healthcare for their children. Now these republican people that are doing this some of them college graduates, most of them have no job. 80% of them have no healthcare for their children but yet they are told to go out and shout down the democrats that are trying to pass a healthcare bill. Can you believe that one male can tell another male or female that there is nothing just because he belongs to his tribe that you can go in and tell them that you don’t want healthcare for your babies? Well they do this to white men and women. They tell them you don’t need healthcare, proper healthcare for your children. So I want you to go into the democrats and shout them down and then they told these tea party folks that the democrats are the people who that have torn down the economy in the united states and white people will go back right now and vote the same people that destroyed the economy the George Bush’s that destroyed the entire economy and the united states of America the republican party has. Because when bill Clinton was in office he gave us a surplus. As soon as the Bush’s came into office they tore down the economy of the United States and the Republican Party stole all the money. Started a war and then the republican party looked at another white man and said you know what, if you as a white man want to stay in control of the united states of America and don’t let these Mexicans and these black folks catch up with you, you vote for the republican party and we’ll keep those black people and those Hispanic speaking people beneath you. You don’t want them on your level, do you? The Republican Party is preaching this to white people today. Knowing, how can you do this to a person? A person that calls themselves an educated white male or female believe another white male that has taken bread from her table or his table, has taken the food that his child, a white baby needs milk to drink. A republican male comes and takes the milk off the table and tells you that your baby don’t need the milk, my baby needs the milk. I’m the sitting congressman. You are just a worker. You belong in that tribe but I need that milk but then come back two weeks later and tell that same white male that I need you to vote for me because I’m going to keep you above the rest of the blacks and browns and the yellows in this country and they go back and vote for the republican party that they know destroyed the economy of the United States. How can you do this?
Sheep aren’t that stupid. Herds of sheep can see an automobile coming down the street and they all depart from the middle of the street and let the automobile go by. They won’t stand there and let the automobile run over them or will they? White people are like sheep. They do what they are told to do. Make no mistake on it; they do what they are told to do. I cannot understand how a white man or female as educated as they are come on international television and say that a man should correct all the problems that the republican party has created in 8 years, destroyed the economy of the united states. In eight years George Bush and the Republican Party destroyed the economy of the United States and the Republican Party turn around and tell the white male and female that it is the democrat’s party that there is no jobs in this country. Well George Bush outsourced everything. Let me say this ladies and gentlemen do you remember when George Bush and the Republican Party voted to sell all the ports in the United States of America? He wanted to sell the all the ports to the same people, the Arabs, to the same people that came to his house and you saw him on international television run out of his house, and grab this Arab by the hand and led him into his home to have a conference with him. Well this same group of people is funding Al Qaeda. The same man that went into George Bush’s home is a part of the clan that is funding Al Qaeda but why isn’t the news media talking about this? Why isn’t the whole world talking about this? The Saudis have enough money to spread around the world to develop all of these groups of people that they tell to do these hideous things like strap bombs on them and kill all the white people they can find. The same man whose family and friends and colleagues are funding these types of people. Who else in the world has that kind of money? The Saudis have that kind of money. The Russians don’t have that kind of money. The economy in Russia has collapsed. The Saudis have manipulated the Bush’s and the other whites to believe that they are on the side of the united states but underneath the rug, they are manipulating thousands of young people’s minds to do whatever they can do, to go into Great Britain and go into the United States of America and blow that up. And what really pissed them off was George Bush saying we have the greatest army in the world and for all these other people out here that think we don’t have the greatest power in the world, bring them on, he said, bring them on. On international television he said bring them on. Well 9/11 happened ladies and gentlemen happened because of George Bush’s mouth. Bring them on he said. 9/11 happened and then George Bush jumped in an airplane and flew to new York and stood in the middle of all that rubbish after the collapse of two of the tallest buildings in the world at that time and acted like he was riding on a wild horse that he has now tamed because he had the minds of the American people with him. Lets come together he said. When George Bush knew that he was receiving money from the Saudi family, the same people that funded to send these people to school in the United States to learn how to fly an airplane which they were told by the Saudis to fly these planes into the two tallest buildings in the world, blow it up. Mind you this is one of the same members of the same Saudi family that came to George Bush’s house to have a conference with George Bush. The reason he didn’t have a conference with this Saudi man who flew from Saudi Arabia to Washington, D.C. and Washington, D.C. to Texas on his ranches because he didn’t have listening devices at his house as he would if he had met the same Saudi in the White House. The White House has listening devices they could hear everything in conference that George Bush would have had with the Saudi if he had met him in the White House in the United States of America. But he had him flown to George Bush’s home in some God-forsaken area in Texas where he knew there were no listening devices. So they began together to dismantle the economy in the United States of America. And that’s exactly what happened. Bring them on he said. Well, when you have a group of people fighting inside of your country without a uniform on, you don’t know who is on your side. Do you understand this? You have a group of people that live within your house. You don’t know who’s on your side but George Bush said brings them on. Well ladies and gentlemen, 9/11 has happened as I said. You know how it was brought on because they live in his house. So he doesn’t know who in his house is thinking in a way to dismantle his house. So who do we fight now? Our neighbors? Because we don’t know if our neighbors down the street are with us or against us anymore. We used to be unified as one person, one body of people, strongly unified besides the racial act that was going on in the United States. Well let me tell you ladies and gentleman, there are thousands of people in this country now that don’t like us Americans but they live under our roof and it’s time for the Republican Party to come together with the president now that we have sitting in office to say Mr. President we need to stop this war between the republican party and the democrat party. We need to reestablish stability in the United States of America. Now can’t they do that? And why won’t the white male in this country do that? They don’t want to give healthcare to poor white children. What kind of animal is this? They don’t want white children to be able to go to a doctor to be examined for his teeth or her teeth as little tiny babies. Five and six year old white babies, they don’t want them to have healthcare to be able to catch that massive cold that they have or preventive medicine to keep them from getting sick. And they convince white people that this is the way to go. They convince these white people, these sheep that they are driving on a daily basis to do what I want you to do. But they have been failing for years, this white congress. Do you understand? The white Republican Party has been failing the United States of America for years. The white Republican Party has been trying their best to stay in power by lying and cheating the people of the United States of America just to stay in power. It’s about control. It’s about greed and we all should know this. We all should say we need not for the news media to lie to us anymore. We need not to have NBC and CNN manipulate the minds of white people because they know that white people are like sheep. We need this body of sheep to shape the United States the way we want to shape it and they use the news media to do that. Every day they use the news media to have people fight against each other when the rest of the world wants to conquer the United States of America. There is a battle within the United States of America which is so fierce today because the Saudis have put enough money into the Republican Party’s hands to do just that. And they are doing that even when they know that the American economy is in trouble. They don’t want to work with this president of the United States because they have already said Mr. President; you are a liar, Mr. President we want to see you fail. The Republican Party has openly said we want to see you fail. Not thinking that they are the ones that have destroyed the economy. And when Mr. Obama came into office they began to pound on him. Six months in office and he hasn’t done a thing they said. It took eight years for George Bush to destroy the economy of the United States. Let me tell you something else that George Bush had in his mind while he was destroying the economy of the United States he wanted to demolish and step on the white middle class which he did do. The Republican Party destroyed the white middle class in this country. And yet they are still telling their sheep to do what I want you to do and go to the tea parties and tell this black president that we don’t need him and we don’t want him. Well you better get behind him ladies and gentlemen because, let me tell you this, there are forces in this world that control all the oil. The Chinese are building nine nuclear submarines to put into the ocean to become the superpower of the United States and aircraft carriers. They are building everything silently while we fight these petty wars that the white congress has created. Our plate is full in the United States while the rest of the world is building their economy. The Republican Party collapsed this economy. NBC do understand that? CBS do you understand that? CNN do you understand that? The rest of the world is building their economy while the republican party will not come together with the president that we have today in the white house and say we are coming together as Americans to rebuild our economy and put us back where we should be, as a leader in the world. The Republican Party does not want this president to be a strong leader in the world. They would rather see the United States collapse and finish destroying what little bit we have in this country. But we have a president now that is fighting hard every day for us ladies and gentlemen but the Republican Party gives him no credit and neither does the news media because they are fighting like hell to support the Republican Party. I just want to say to Wolf Blitzer that we all understand McCathidy file works along with you and have been beating on the president when we all know that George Bush outsourced all commercial jobs and helped to pay for the industry to move jobs offshore. Hey Wolf, you need to stop beating up on the President and talk about what AIG has done to this country, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Morgan Stanley and then every night you and your friends come on television and ask the president where the jobs are. I think it’s time that we send 20 attorneys around the world to lobby for minorities in this country to get a better break because of the big white companies have robbed this country and blamed it on the poor people such as the republican party. We will ask the world to devaluate the American dollar we will ask Germany to devaluate the dollar, France to devaluate the dollar, and all of Asia to devaluate the American dollar and cut back on oil production to the United States and Israel. I know if we have a good lobbyist to travel around the world on the behalf of black and browns of this country, we will prove that the republicans have destroyed the white middle class and the republicans will never be able to go around and prove to the world that they are worthy of any accomplishment in the united states. White people have lost their place in the world as leaders of the world so Nigeria is waiting for us to begin to tell them when to cut back on production. The Iranians are waiting on us to tell them when to cut back on the production. Chavez is waiting to on us to tell him when to cut back on the oil production for us. And then we’ll see how white males will play out this role when they no longer have a triple A rating on their dollar and unable to produce enough oil to sustain the United State’s thirst for oil.
E-mail me and let me know how you feel about my article: georgem_gaston@yahoo.com
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